Bluegrass on the Creek

BRIMSTOCK-2009 Festival Photo Slideshow Thank you - Sponsors & Vendors Springtime Dog Show Links SEND US A NOTE... "The Festival" BANDS


Bluegrass Music  & Comedy lit up the holler

A good time was ad by all in Clay County Tennessee at the
 First Annual "BRIMSTOCK" Bluegrass Festival

Click to Link
Retrospect means to refer back; to reconsider; recall or recollect the past.

The MorOn Bruth'?rs
Lardo & Burley Moron - 
True Comedy Talent

Mike Carr and Mike Hammond, otherwise known as Lardo and Burley Moron, respectively, are writers of hilarious songs and performers of musical antics. The two men are favorites at bluegrass festivals and special events of every description—wherever people enjoy good music and down-home comedy. Their performances feature many original songs, distinguished by funny lyrics and toe-tapping tunes.

Retrospect is a group based near Nashville, Tennessee that entertains audiences with some of the highest octane bluegrass to come down the pike in years.

Click to Link


Your Host and Promoters Gary & Diane Brown along with Jack Elmore are excited to bring this New Bluegrass Festival to Clay County Tennessee.
We are also excited to have Jeff Hays as Brimstone Creeks new Banjo Player...
and look forward to having our former band member (Florida's Misty Ridge) Walter Johnson on Mandolin
Monthly Jams on the creek the last Saturday of every month from 1-5 PM.    All Picker's and Grinner's welcome!

Beautiful Music coming out of the hills....

Kentucky's Own - Long Creek
Johnny Jones - Janet Jones
Jimmy Williams - James Sloan


Gary Reece, Ron Lane, Mark Mann,
Jeff Bybee & Joseph Smith

Gary Pennington, Jonah Beasley, Randy Page,
James Dyer, Woody Hawkins & Greg Hallums



Sherron Haney   vocals, guitar
Roger Judd  vocals, mandolin, fiddle
Dennis Wertz  banjo, dobro, vocals
Richard Ballard bass